ISMB 2018 Chicago

ISMB 2018

We attended the ISMB 2018 conference of the ISCB (International Society of Computational Biology) from July 6 to July 10 at Chicago.

Yannick gave a talk titled HFSP: High speed homology-driven function annotation of proteins.

Chengsheng gave a talk titled mi-faser deciphers city subway microbiome functional fingerprints.

Max gave a talk titled Identifying protein positions for variation driven functional tuning.

Yanran gave a talk titled Identifying Crohn’s disease signal from variome analysis.

Zishuo presented a poster titled A survey of synonymous single nucleotide variants reveals preference for specific codons and amino acids.

Zishuo Zeng
Zishuo Zeng
PhD Student

Synonymous variants have the right to remain silent, but they choose not to.
