PredictProtein—an open resource for online prediction of protein structural and functional features


PredictProtein is a meta-service for sequence analysis that has been predicting structural and functional features of proteins since 1992. Queried with a protein sequence it returns: multiple sequence alignments, predicted aspects of structure (secondary structure, solvent accessibility, transmembrane helices (TMSEG) and strands, coiled-coil regions, disulfide bonds and disordered regions) and function. The service incorporates analysis methods for the identification of functional regions (ConSurf), homology-based inference of Gene Ontology terms (metastudent), comprehensive subcellular localization prediction (LocTree3), protein-protein binding sites (ISIS2), protein-polynucleotide binding sites (SomeNA) and predictions of the effect of point mutations (non-synonymous SNPs) on protein function (SNAP2). Our goal has always been to develop a system optimized to meet the demands of experimentalists not highly experienced in bioinformatics. To this end, the PredictProtein results are presented as both text and a series of intuitive, interactive and visually appealing figures. The web server and sources are available at

Nucleic Acids Research
Tatyana Goldberg
Tatyana Goldberg
PhD Student

I am a proud former scholar of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk and also a guest editor of the F1000Research BioJS channel

Yana Bromberg
Yana Bromberg
Principal Investigator - Professor of Bioinformatics

My research focuses on deciphering the DNA blueprints of life’s molecular machinery
